With you; for you!

Welcome to the

official website of
the uenr src


The SRC is the mouth piece of the entire student body of the university.

The council gives advice on matters relating to the general welfare of students as well as responsible for the planning and coordinating of major social, cultural, recreational and intellectual activities of the students in the University.

The SRC co-operates with representative student bodies of other universities and institutions of higher learning locally and internationally on matters of mutual interest to foster peace and unity.

The council collaborates with the sports committee to promote games and sporting activities of the University.

The SRC fosters the maintenance of the right academic atmosphere for students of the University to pursue their studies.

Akwaaba Week Celebration

Annually, the Students’ Representative Council hosts a week-long festivity to welcome freshmen to the university dubbed “Akwaaba Week Celebration”. During the week-long celebration, educative, entertaining and health related events are held to usher freshmen into the university community and this year was no exception.


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